Friday, June 20, 2008

Frequently Asked Questions

When and where does MOPS meet?
MOPS meets at Woodmont Baptist Church in Nashville, Tennessee. Meetings are held on the 2nd and 4th Fridays of the month from 9:30am to 11:45am from August to May.
For more information about Woodmont Baptist Church, including directions, please click here.

Do I have to be a member of Woodmont Baptist Church in order to attend MOPS?
No, MOPS at Woodmont Baptist Church welcomes all mothers of preschool age children (even expectant mothers), regardless of religious affiliation.

Is there a cost to join MOPS?
Each mother is required to pay a $20 registration fee which is forwarded directly to MOPS International and provides you with a one year MOPS membership, a one year subscription to MomSense magazine and a weekly devotional email. There is also a $60 annual fee that goes to our MOPS group that covers the cost of childcare, crafts and any extra things we might do at the meetings. This can be paid in installments over the two semesters. We have scholarships available so please don't let the cost hinder you from being a part of this fun and encouraging group.

Why are we asked to register for MOPS meetings?
Registration allows us to plan. We want to have enough food, beverages, and supplies for all the mothers who attend. In addition, registration allows us to make seating arrangements for every mother.

What happens during a MOPS meeting?
Each MOPS meeting is designed with YOU in mind. Meetings will feature refreshments and beverages, a main speaker, group discussion, and crafts.

Is childcare provided?
YES! While you are enjoying the MOPS meeting, your child will be listening to stories, making crafts and playing in the church nursery. If you need childcare, you must let us know the Friday before the meeting.

What if I don’t know anyone at MOPS?
The women of MOPS will always make you feel welcome! As soon as you come in, you’ll be greeted by a friendly mother who will introduce you to everyone. In addition, icebreakers and group discussion time allows you an opportunity to connect with other mothers.

Who can I contact for further information?
Please contact Lisa Johnson, MOPS Coordinator, at for further information.